English, asked by merigasaikumar, 1 year ago

Describe tha general characteristics and tha life style of a person in mode of Goodness. What destination does he achieve in nest life ? How can one go to different planets ? How can one still come down from higher planets back to earth ? Why should one not remain in mode of passion and ignorance ? How can be liberated from all 3 models ?​


Answered by namanyadav00795

According to Bhagavad Gita As It Is

General characteristics and the life style of a person in mode of Goodness

A Krishna conscious person or devotee of Lord Krishna remains above of all the 3 modes of nature Tamogun, Rajogun and Satogun.

qualities of the mode of goodness

Mind and sense control, tolerance, discrimination, sticking to one's prescribed duty, truthfulness, mercy, careful study of the past and future, satisfaction in any condition, generosity, renunciation of sense gratification, faith in the spiritual master, being embarrassed at improper action, charity, simplicity, humbleness and satisfaction within oneself are qualities of the mode of goodness.

qualities of the mode of passion

Material desire, great endeavor, audacity, dissatisfaction even in gain, false pride, praying for material advancement, considering oneself different and better than others, sense gratification, rash eagerness to fight, a fondness for hearing oneself praised, the tendency to ridicule others, advertising one's own prowess and justifying one's actions by one's strength are qualities of the mode of passion.

qualities of the mode of ignorance

Intolerant anger, stinginess, speaking without scriptural authority, violent hatred, living as a parasite, hypocrisy, chronic fatigue, quarrel, lamentation, delusion, unhappiness, depression, sleeping too much, false expectations, fear and laziness constitute the major qualities of the mode of ignorance.

What destination does he(person with Goodness) achieve in next life ?

A Krishna conscious person or devotee of Krishna achieves the spiritual Goloka/Vaikuntha/Krishna-loka where there is no Birth, Old age, Disease and Death.

According to the degree of development of the mode of goodness, the living entity can be transferred to various planets in this system. The highest planet is Satyaloka, or Brahmaloka, where the prime person of this universe, Lord Brahma, resides.

But in Brahmaloka or Satyaloka also Birth, Old age, Disease and Death.

How can one go to different planets ?

  • Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to the higher planets
  • those in the mode of passion live on the earthly planets
  • and those in the mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds.

How can one still come down from higher planets back to earth ?

क्षीणे पुण्ये मर्त्यलोकं विशन्ति

means when our good karma fruits ends we are dropped to mrityuloka(earth) from the higher planets.

Why should one not remain in mode of passion and ignorance ?

  • People on this earth, in the modes of passion or ignorance, cannot forcibly approach the higher planets.
  • In the mode of passion, there is also the chance of becoming mad in the next life.
  • The result of developing ignorance is very, very risky. It is the lowest quality in material nature.
  • Beneath the human level there are eight million species of life: birds, beasts, reptiles, trees, etc., and, according to the development of the mode of ignorance, people are brought down to these abominable conditions.

How can be liberated from all 3 modes of nature?

There is opportunity for men in the modes of ignorance and passion to be elevated to the mode of goodness, and that system is called Krsna consciousness. A Krishna Conscious person is above all 3 modes of nature.

Related Question:

इस कलियुग में कृष्ण भावना ही योग की सर्वोत्तम पद्धति क्यों है ? (भगवद्गीता 6.20-22)

क. क्योंकि इसमें कठिन शारीरिक व्यायाम की आवश्यकता नहीं।

ख. क्योंकि इसमें घंटों तक नाक की नोक पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करने की आवश्यकता नहीं।

ग. क्योंकि कलियुग में ध्यानयोग, ज्ञानयोग और हठयोग का पालन करने में अनेक समस्याएं हैं।

घ. ऊपर लिखित सभी​


नारद मुनि तथा स्वामी प्रभुपाद के कितने आध्यात्मिक गुरु हैं?


Why didn't mrigari step on the ants in bhagavath Gita BG4.35​


Answered by yashpatelama1970


happy ness is the answer of word good ness

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