Describe the administration and society under the Mauryan period.
Mauryan Administration:
The establishment of the Mauryan empire in contrast to the earlier smaller kingdoms ushered in a new form of government, that of a centralized empire.
The Mauryan Empire indicates the triumph of monarchy as a political system over tribal republics. A study of the Arthasastra in conjunction with the edicts provides information regarding the administrative structure.
At the centre of the structure was the king who had the power to enact laws. Kautilya advises the King to promulgate dharma when the social order based on the varnas and ashramas (stages in life) perishes.
Mauryan Empire Society:
Megasthenese, who was a Greek historian as well as an ambassador to the Mauryan court, has described the Mauryan society. According to him, the ancient Mauryan society comprised of seven divisions namely philosophers, farmers, soldiers, herdsmen, artisans, magistrates and councilors which were referred to as castes.
The reason for referring to such divisions as castes were because members from a particular caste were not allowed to get married to a member belonging from some other caste. He, however, was unable to properly comprehend the Indian society and failed to distinguish between jati (caste), and occupation.
These so-called seven divisions were distinctly separate from each other in all respects like rules and regulations which were put on the members belonging to the same group etc.