Describe the advantages and Disadvantages of the following:
Canal Irrigation
Tube wells
Advantages of tubewells.
1. It is a reliable and timely source of water.
2. It provides adequate water for irrigation.
3. Irrigation through tubewell greatly increases agricultural output.
Disadvantages of tubewells
1. It leads to the depletion of groundwater reserves.
2. If the tubewell is used indiscriminately, the groundwater reserve may get exhausted.
3. Once the groundwater reserve is exhausted, the area may no longer be suitable for agriculture as it becomes difficult to irrigate it.
Advantage of canal irrigation
1. It reduces the loss of water due to seepage and hence the duty is enhanced.
2. It controls the water logging and hence the bad effects of water-logging are eliminated.
3. It provides smooth surface and hence the velocity of flow can be increased.
Disadvantages of cannel irrigation
1. Changing crop pattern.
2. Water logging problems due to excessive irrigation, seepage & poor drainage.
3. Regular maintenance of canals is not done due to which sediments are collected resulting in reduction of capacity of canals.
Hope it helps!