describe the animal products used as food by human beings. this is a question from my textbook please answer it.
Animal products which are used as food are eggs, chicken, mutton, fish, honey, milk etc. Milk is used for drinking purpose, converted into other useful products such as curd, butter, ghee, cheese. Fish gives us cod liver oil which is rich in vitamin A. Human being eats plant food as well as animal food.
An animal product is any material derived from the body of an animal. Examples are fat, flesh, blood, milk, eggs, and lesser known products, such as isinglass and rennet.
A dish called "Duck, Duck, Duck" because the three parts come from the complex body of the duck: duck eggs, duck confit and roast duck breast
Varieties of goat cheese
Animal by-products, as defined by the USDA, are products harvested or manufactured from livestock other than muscle meat.In the EU, animal by-products (ABPs) are defined somewhat more broadly, as materials from animals that people do not consume.Thus, chicken eggs for human consumption are considered by-products in the US but not France; whereas eggs destined for animal feed are classified as animal by-products in both countries. This does not in itself reflect on the condition, safety, or "wholesomeness" of the product.
Animal by-products are carcasses and parts of carcasses from slaughterhouses, animal shelters, zoos and veterinarians, and products of animal origin not intended for human consumption, including catering waste. These products may go through a process known as "rendering" to be made into human and non-human foodstuffs, fats, and other material that can be sold to make commercial products such as cosmetics, paint, cleaners, polishes, glue, soap and ink. The sale of animal by-products allows the meat industry to compete economically with industries selling sources of vegetable protein.