English, asked by adityamarch48010, 1 year ago

describe the appearance of Nicola and jacopo​


Answered by meenakshy21

Appearances are deceptive. Nicola and Jacopo both were two little boys aged 13 and 12. They were shabbily dressed. The very first time when the author met them, they were selling wild strawberries but after that they were seen shining shoes, arranging seats for opera, showing visitors through the town and so on. Nobody could expect such hard work from two little boys of their age. They always wore shabby clothes and ate black bread and figs. Looking at the amount of earning, they could have taken a much better meal and clothes. No doubt, they earned quite a lot but had to make payments for the hospital bills of their sister so they never spent anything on themselves.

Answered by sayyadmohd78

One of the two boys had on a worn out jersey , along with cut off khaki pants . The other boy had worn a loosened army tunic , which was gathered about in loose folds , around his skinny frames . They had brown skins , tangled hair and dark earnest eyes , which attracted the narrator and the companion toward them , and made them buy their biggest basket and set off towards town .

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