English, asked by mithunkumarmit44, 7 months ago

Describe the appearance of the three witches in macbeth​


Answered by speechlessmirror85


It is Banquo who first describes the Witches. His words in Act 1, Scene 3 depict the Witches as stereotypical hags – 'withered' and 'wild', unearthly beings ('That look not like th' inhabitants o' th' Earth') with 'skinny lips', chapped ('choppy') fingers and beards (1.3. 40–46).


I hope it will be help you ❤️❤️❤️

Answered by rabiaakbar348

Answer: the anser she wrote is wHe then describes their “attire” as “wither’d” and “wild”. These adjectives suggest the actors should be dress in ragged, filthy clothing. Shakespeare strongly emphasises their feral appearance through the repetition of the intensifier “so” and the use of alliteration to connect the two words. Banquo’s tone in these lines is clearly full of contempt and disgust.

The witches’ ages could be indicated by the deep wrinkles of the “chappy finger” they are using to silence Banquo. To give the casting director some scope, the image is probably a reference to their hideous appearance. Their “skinny lips” and the fact they have “beards” reinforces this view that they are repulsive.rong  the real answer is


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