Describe the asexual and sexual phases of life cycle of causes malaria in humans.
Describe the asexual and sexual phases of life cycle of causes malaria in humans.
Answer with Explanation
• In order to complete the Life cycle , Plasmodium requires two main hosts :-
• The infected female Anopheles mosquito transfers the infectious form of Plasmodium, i.e., sporozoites to the human body by biting.
• The Sporozoites reach the liver cells, where they multiply. This is followed by their attack on red blood cells res ulting in their rupture.
• The Ruptured RBCs release a toxin called Haemozoin, which is responsible for high recurring fever, chills and shivering.
• These Parasites enter in female Anopheles mosquitoes when they bite an infected person.
In the body of mosquitoes, they fertilise and multiply in the stomach wall.
• Sporozoites are now stored in the salivary gland of mosquito till it is again transferred to human body by a mosquito bite.
• After entering the Human body, all the events are repeated.
Plasmodium completes its life cycle in two phases, asexual phase in human blood and sexual phase in mosquitoes.