English, asked by kanuschruthi70731, 10 months ago

Describe the behavior of a school boy


Answered by augnik2006


Children's behaviour has worsened over the past five years, according to a survey of teachers which found that a fifth thought girls were more likely to cause trouble than boys.

The survey, published after teachers at a Lancashire school went on strike over discipline, found low-level disruption, including chatting and "horsing around", was the biggest problem. Boys were more likely to be physically aggressive while girls tended to ostracise other pupils.

The behaviour of boys was more of a challenge than that of girls but the actions of each sex had deteriorated, according to 56.5% of staff surveyed by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL).

Among male pupils the most challenging behaviour for teachers was physical aggression, such as pushing, spitting, kicking and hitting. A secondary teacher quoted in the survey said boys were usually aggressive with other pupils, while girls tended to call one another names.

Teachers criticised a lack of role models in the home. A primary teacher said: "The boys are far more willing to be aggressive to adults, verbally and even physically. There don't seem to be any parental boundaries set of what is an appropriate way to speak and deal with another adult."

Teachers at Darwen Vale high school, Lancashire, walked out over unruly pupil behaviour this month. They said children challenged them to fights and threatened to film lessons and post them online.

The survey of more than 850 teachers, heads and other school staff found that more than 21% thought girls' behaviour was more challenging than boys, compared with 68% who said male pupils caused more trouble. In schools that have excluded pupils, 57% said more boys and 5% said more girls had been excluded.

A department head in a primary school told the survey, carried out in March, that "classes with a majority of boys tend to be louder, less co-operative and harder to teach". Nearly half of the staff surveyed said boys' bravado was behind their disruption. For girls, the most likely trigger was a break-up between friends.

A primary school teacher from Bedfordshire said: "Boys are generally more physical and their behaviour is more noticeable. Girls … often say nasty things, which end up disrupting the lesson just as much as the boys, as other children get upset and can't focus on their work. They are usually the ones who refuse to comply with instructions."

Some staff had noticed girls' behaviour worsening. A teaching assistant from Weston-super-Mare said: "Girls are definitely getting more violent, with gangs of girls in school who are getting worse than the gangs of boys."

The ATL annual conference in Liverpool on Monday is due to debate a motion expressing concern at increasing numbers of girls being excluded from secondary school.

Government figures for 2008-9 showed that boys represented 78% of the total number of permanent exclusions from schools in England. This proportion was unchanged from the year before.

The ATL general secretary, Mary Bousted, said: "Staff get ground down daily by the chatting and messing around, which disrupts lessons for other pupils and takes the pleasure out of teaching.

"Even more worrying is the physical aggression, most often among boys but also among some girls, which puts other pupils and staff at risk. Schools need to have firm and consistent discipline policies and work with parents to keep schools and colleges safe places for pupils and staff alike."

The education bill, now going through the Commons, will give teachers the right to search pupils for banned items and will remove the requirement to give parents a day's notice of detention. The education secretary, Michael Gove, said the measures in the bill would "restore discipline" in the classroom.

Answered by akhandvaishya


Hey buddy,

your answer-

Explanation:Boys’ behaviour continues to be more of a challenge at school than that of girls, but the behaviour of

both has got worse according to nearly 60% of education staff surveyed by the Association of

Teachers and Lecturers (ATL).

In an ATL survey of 859 teachers, head teachers, lecturers and support staff working in state and

independent schools in the UK during March 2011, 56% of education staff said that pupil behaviour

had got worse over the last five years, while 45% thought it had got worse over the past two years.

Half thought boys’ behaviour had got worse over the past five years, and 48% thought girls

behaviour had got worse. But girls seem to be catching up - over the past two years 44% thought

girls’ behaviour was worse and 43% said boys’ behaviour had deteriorated.

A head of department in a primary school in England told ATL: “Classes with a majority of boys tend

to be louder, less co-operative and harder to teach.”

While a fifth of staff thought girls’ behaviour was more challenging than that of boys, 68%

disagreed. In schools that have excluded pupils, 57% of education staff said that more boys have

been excluded for challenging behaviour, while only 5% of staff said more girls had been excluded.

Among both sexes, low-level disruption such as talking, not paying attention and horsing around

was the most problematic behaviour experienced by staff in schools and colleges (cited by 70%).

Amongst boys the most challenging behaviour was physical aggression (cited by 40%) such as

pushing, spitting, kicking, and hitting. A secondary school teacher in England said: “Boys are more

physically aggressive and usually to other pupils, with girls it is more name calling, less fighting.”

A teacher and member of the management team in a primary school in England said: “The boys are

far more willing to be aggressive to adults, verbally and even physically. There don’t seem to be any

parental boundaries set of what is an appropriate way to speak and deal with another adult.”

For girls, most staff said bullying such as isolating another pupil from a friendship group, spreading

rumours, making snide looks and comments, was the biggest problem (44%). A 34-year-old teacher

from Reading said: “Girls spread rumours and fallouts last a long time. Boys tend to sort it out fairly


A learning support assistant from Crawley in Sussex said: “Girls are quicker to toe the line but

instigate more low level disruption. Boys tend to explode without thinking about what or why they

are doing it.”  

A member of the management team in a secondary school in England noticed a rise in the use of

social media as a means of bullying, saying: “There is a lot of cyber bullying, particularly via MSN

and Facebook – this is mainly girls.”

A primary school teacher from Bedfordshire told ATL: “Boys are generally more physical and their

behaviour is more noticeable. Girls are often sneakier about misbehaving, they often say nasty

things which end up disrupting the lesson just as much as the boys, as other children get upset and

can’t focus on their work. They are usually the ones who refuse to comply with instructions.”

However, some staff had noticed girls’ behaviour getting worse. A teaching assistant from WestonSuper-Mare said: “Girls are definitely getting more violent, with gangs of girls in school who are

getting worse than the gangs of boys.”

Staff thought the main reasons for challenging behaviour within their schools and colleges were

family breakdowns (62%), followed by a lack of positive role models within the home (58%) and

poor emotional health (51%).

Amongst boys, 45% of staff said the main reason for challenging behaviour was bravado, followed

by seeking attention from other pupils (25%), and a lack of positive role models at home (23%).

Among girls the key reasons for challenging behaviour were break-ups between friends (50%),

seeking attention from other pupils, including seeking attention for popularity or sexual attention

(22%), and puberty (20%).

ATL general secretary, Dr Mary Bousted, said: “The behaviour of both boys and girls can pose huge

challenges for those working in schools and colleges. Staff get ground down daily by the chatting

and messing around, which disrupts lessons for other pupils and takes the pleasure out of teaching.

Even more worrying is the physical aggression, most often among boys but also among some girls,

which puts other pupils and staff at risk. Schools need to have firm and consistent discipline policies

and work with parents to keep schools and colleges safe places for pupils and staff alike.”

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