describe the benefits llyod george wanted Britain to gain from the paris peace conference
It was only in October 1918 that the Allies (France, Britain, the USA and Italy) began to realise that they were winning the war. They began to make plans for the peace. They intended to hold a preliminary conference in Paris early in 1919. Here they would decide on the main issues that had to be resolved with Germany and its allies. They would then hold talks with the other important allied powers, especially Japan. Then they would discuss issues with smaller powers like Belgium and Serbia. Finally, the Big Four (President Wilson of the USA, David Lloyd George of Britain, Vittorio Orlando of Italy and Georges Clemenceau of France) would sit down with the Germans and negotiate a treaty.
This proved to be impossible. The issues were too complex. What actually happened was the Big Four were bombarded with petitions from all over the world. In the Middle East there were calls for the Arabs who had fought against the Turks to be given their own homeland. There was a similar call from Jews. In Eastern and Central Europe the many different nations that had belonged to the old Austro-Hungarian Empire wanted to rule themselves. The problem was that the populations of Eastern Europe were so mixed up that it was almost impossible to create, for example, a Poland with only Poles in or a Yugoslavia with no Germans in.
Africa, the Middle East, and Eastern and Central Europe were all terribly important issues. However, there was one issue above all others for Britain, France and the USA – what to do with Germany. From January to June of 1919, this issue dominated peace talks.
Going into the summit, he wanted to punish Germany for the devastation of France, take back Alsace and Lorraine, take land from the Rhineland and divide Germany. He also wanted to disarm Germany, share German colonies amongst the victors, and collect reparations for the damage caused to France and Belgium.