English, asked by yawardar754, 7 months ago

Describe the character sketch of geesler


Answered by digvijay5628


Mr. Gessler is the youngest of the two Gessler brothers and the protagonist of John Galsworhty's short story, Quality.He is described as a passionate and hard working shoemaker.

Physical appearance: Mr. Gessler has been described as a 'little',short-statured man "as if made from leather". His face was pale with lots of wrinkles and reddish hair and beard .He was a man of honest and integrity. He never compromised on quality and excellence, even if it meant more work , dwindling customers and profits.He always used the best leather and took as much time as required to make a perfect pair of shoes. He lived his entire life in a small tenement where he worked and sold his goods. All his profits went in giving the rent and buying the best quality leather. In his mind, his commitment to his work and the satisfaction of his customers far outweighed his own needs. He finally died of"slow starvation"

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