Describe the clinical picture in Internet Gaming Disorder.
Internet Addition Disorder, also commonly referred to as Compulsive Internet Use (CIU), This disorder is characteristic of having multiple contributing factors. Some evidence suggests that if you are suffering from Internet Addiction Disorder, your brain makeup is similar to those that suffer from a chemical dependency, such as drugs or alcohol. According to the ICD-11, people with gaming disorder have trouble controlling the amount of time that they spend playing digital or video games. They also prioritize gaming over other activities and experience negative effects from their gaming behaviors.Addiction to gaming is similar in many ways to other types of addiction. People with the disorder often spend many hours playing games, have a strong emotional attachment to this behavior, and may experience fewer social connections as a result.
As with other addictions, gaming disorder can have a negative impact on family life, relationships, and work or education. This may lead to irritation with those who criticize gaming, or it may cause feelings of guilt.