describe the condition of employment as well as the wages of workers in the garment exporting factory. do you think he works get a fail deal ?
Conditions of exporting factory employment in the garment (i) Workers are employed on a temporary basis means they can be asked to leave anytime when not needed. (ii) They have pressure to produce quality products in limited time. (iii) They have to do hardwork for long hours. No, the workers don't get a fair deal as they are not even paid the minimal wages for their work. They are being exploited by their employer and their work is also temporary. They also don't have respect for the work the do.
Conditions of employment in the garment exporting factory: No, the workers don't get a fair deal as they are not even paid the minimal wages for their work. They are being exploited by their employer and their work is also temporary. They also don't have respect for the work the do.