describe the condition of women in France before the revolution of 1789
Condition of women in France before the Revolution were:↓↓↓↓
→→→ The position of women in France was much inferior to men in social status. Except for daughters of nobles and wealthier classes, most women had no access to education and job training. laundresses, sold flowers or worked as domestics for a living.
→→→Women had no political rights in , they could not vote or hold any political office. They were considered "passive" citizens
→→→women were forced to accept male domination in the political sphere.
→→→Women were taught to be committed to their husbands and "all his interests... [to show] attention and care... [and] sincere and discreet zeal for his salvation." A woman's education often consisted of learning to be a good wife and mother; as a result women were not supposed to be involved in the political sphere.