World Languages, asked by aasin4603, 8 months ago

Describe the Connection between crime and unequal eccess to basic services


Answered by Anonymous


The connection between crime and unequal access to basic services: 1) Earning low or not at all can lead to denial of basic needs which might urge someone to commit a crime to take what he thinks he need. 2) lack of Information: At times people have no access to information causing the crime.


hope it helps you

Answered by arjunardak2904


How do you define basic service ? Basic services, normally, is something defined by a government of a country. I'd say a basic service is the minimum that is set in place for people to be able to survive and live. Sometimes the perception between what is or should be or not a basic service will differ between the people and the people that set it up (I.E the government).

For example : a living minimum wage. In Canada, where I live, this is considered a basic service. The government believes that everyone should be able to live on a minimum wage. Whether the system actually in place works or not is up for debate, so is the question ''Is the actual minimum wage enough?'', but it's for another discussion. In the US, there is no such thing as a universal minimum wage. You could say, it is not considered a basic service by the government in place (my political opinion here is not factored in my answer, this is not a political debate).

2. My teachers in criminology will not like me on this one, because of oversimplifying thoeries. What is the most basic reason you can find for anybody committing a crime ? If you think about something, simplify it more to its core reason. Someone commits a crime because ''HE/SHE wants something.'' Pure and simple. For example :

- a robber robs a store because he WANTS money fast.

- a victim of a mugging defends herself by beating her aggressor to a pulp (aggravated assault) because she WANTS to survive the encounter.

- a hired gun kills his target (not because he necessarily wants to kill), but because he WANTS to be paid.

- a white collar criminal frauds the system because he WANTS more money.

- a rapist will sexually assault someone because he WANTS sexual satisfaction (I know it's not the only reason, it's ONE example)

- a drug dealer will sell drugs because he WANTS money.

- guy A beats guy B (assault) because guy B insulted him and guy A WANTS his ego repaired.

You could find as many examples as you want, at their core, all the answers are going to come back to this basic statment : a criminal WANTS something. The means to fulfill this statment will simply take an illegal path.

3. The definition of criminal activity will differ depending on where you live. For example, in the US drug possession is illegal. In Portugal it is not. So the definition of crime will be different from country to country.

So, how does this can be connected through four factors ? I don't know if my answer will satisfy you, but here are four factors connecting crime and unequal access to basic services, according to me. I'll be using the US as an example, not because of any political bias I could have (I'm canadian), but because the US is a really easy target to demonstrate my point. I will also be demonstrating my point through four examples which are totally subjective :

1. Basic service : Education

Generally speaking, higher education tends to get you a better job with better conditions. Some countries consider education a basic service (Canada comes to mind). For example, in the US, unless you get a scholarship, come from a privileged family or get a throatcutting loan, higher education tends to cost a kidney plus a lung a year. If you do not have the money to get access to this kind of education, your chances of getting a nice paying job with better conditions are lower than if you had access to college education. Some people, stuck with dead end jobs that pay jacks?*t will turn to committing small to medium felonies to make end meets, Whether it's selling drugs, reselling stolen goods, etc. It's a way to have a nice sideline that can help you feed your family.

2. Basic service : Health care

By itself, the health industry is one of, if not the most expensive service that can be provided to people. That's why a lot of western and westernized countries have some sort of universal payer system to provide health care to everyone. I'm not saying by itself, the health care system prevents crime if the provided care is good. What I'm saying is, when people have to go bankrupt to finance a heart surgery, said people might stoop to illegal activites to get money easily. For example : people might turn to illegal ways to get medication that would otherwise cost hundreds or thousands to buy the legal way.

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