Physics, asked by Bubblyjp123gmailcom, 1 year ago

describe the construction and working of He Ne laser.


Answered by mdurga7799p50yjg
Helium-Neon laser

Helium-Neon laser definition

Helium-Neon laser is a type of gas laser in which a mixture of helium and neon gas is used as a gain medium. Helium-Neon laser is also known as He-Ne laser.

What is a gas laser?

A gas laser is a type of laser in which a mixture of gas is used as the active medium or laser medium. Gas lasers are the most widely used lasers.

Gas lasers range from the low power helium-neon lasers to the very high power carbon dioxide lasers. The helium-neon lasers are most commonly used in college laboratories whereas the carbon dioxide lasers are used in industrial applications.

The main advantage of gas lasers (eg: He-Ne lasers) over solid state lasers is that they are less prone to damage by overheating so they can be run continuously.

What is helium-neon laser?

At room temperature, a ruby laser will only emit short bursts of laser light, each laser pulse occurring after a flash of the pumping light. It would be better to have a laser that emits light continuously. Such a laser is called a continuous wave (CW) laser.

The helium-neon laser was the first continuous wave (CW) laser ever constructed. It was built in 1961 by Ali Javan, Bennett, and Herriott at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Helium-neon lasers are the most widely used gas lasers. These lasers have many industrial and scientific uses and are often used in laboratory demonstrations of optics.

In He-Ne lasers, the optical pumping method is not used instead an electrical pumping method is used. The excitation of electrons in the He-Ne gas active medium is achieved by passing an electric current through the gas. 

The helium-neon laser operates at a wavelength of 632.8 nanometers (nm), in the red portion of the visible spectrum.

Helium-neon laser construction

The helium-neon laser consists of three essential components:

Pump source (high voltage power supply)Gain medium (laser glass tube or discharge glass tube)Resonating cavity
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