describe the contrasting scenario before and after the lockdown.
A lockdown of people has been used as an efficient public health measure to fight against the exponential spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and allows the health system to manage the number of patients. The aim of this study ( NCT00430818) was to evaluate the impact of both perceived stress aroused by Covid-19 and of emotions triggered by the lockdown situation on the individual experience of time. A large sample of the French population responded to a survey on their experience of the passage of time during the lockdown compared to before the lockdown. The perceived stress resulting from Covid-19 and stress at work and home were also assessed, as were the emotions felt. The results showed that people have experienced a slowing down of time during the lockdown. This time experience was not explained by the levels of perceived stress or anxiety, although these were considerable, but rather by the increase in boredom and sadness felt in the lockdown situation. The increased anger and fear of death only explained a small part of variance in the time judgment. The conscious experience of time therefore reflected the psychological difficulties experienced during lockdown and was not related to their perceived level of stress or anxiety.
In India, a Lockdown Is Also Its Own Crisis.An authoritarian lockdown offers numerous dividends to the government and the elite in the long run.Apr 11, 2020 | Sylvia Karpagam
A lockdown can mean different things in different contexts. In the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic that originated in Wuhan, China, and spread across almost 204 countries, the term has been used for varying limits on movement, function and activities of communities. It isn’t a technical public health term, and ranges from mandatory quarantines to non-mandatory recommendations to stay at home, close certain types of businesses or avoid events and gatherings.
There have been several discussions around the COVID-19 infection and its potential to cause fatality, India’s preparedness and the lessons learnt. This analysis attempts to understand what a lockdown means in the context of public health in India.
The lockdown according to a few other countries
Different countries have interpreted and implemented lockdown differently. The most significant intervention by China was the quarantine imposed on January 23, 2020. Along with this, the country also restricted public access to information, including that shared by Dr Li Wenliang, who was detained for posting online about the virus and who later died of the infection himself.
In February 2020, two journalists disappeared after continuously reporting stories about the outbreak. In an attempt to create a good online atmosphere, many social media apps and accounts were removed because of ‘harmful content’. The media had to cover only positive stories about the relief work being done by Chinese authorities. The government’s agenda seemed to stretch beyond virus control and into social control.