describe the encounter between montomorency and tom ?
That morning while they were walking the high street a large black Tom rushed out of a house and began to trot across the road. Montmorrency gave (rest of the answer is in the image)
Montmorency did not like cats. once a cat began to trot across the road. seeing her Montmorency gave a cry of joy. this was a large black tom, all horrifying to look at. it had lost 1 ear, a good part of her tail, and a part of its nose. she was a long and muscular-looking animal. Montmorency went for her at tremendous speed. she did not grasp the idea that her life was in danger. she trotted quietly and found her enemy face to face. it turned around and sat down majestically in the middle of the road. she looked at montmorency with a gentle and inquiring look. montmorency did not lack courage. but her special look chilled him. he stopped abruptly. neither spoke. a mute dialogue went between the two.
she rose and continued her trot. he peevishly went back and took an unimportant position in the rear. Montmorency used to shrink and look up piteously whenever the word cat was uttered before him. nature had brought a sudden reformation in Montmorency