Biology, asked by TSRIHARINI, 8 months ago

Describe the experiment to observe onion
peel cells​


Answered by Anonymous


Materials Required

Onion, slides, coverslips, watch glass, petridish, forceps, needles, dropper, glycerine, blotting paper, blade/knife, safranin solution and a microscope.


1.Take a medium sized onion, cut its outer surface with knife.

2.Use forceps to remove the peel of onion.

3.With the help of needle separate the small portion of epidermis (peel)

4.Keep dilute safranin solution in a watch glass.

5.Put this small peel in this watch glass with brush and allow it to stain for 3-5 minutes.

6.Transfer the stained peel to another watch glass that contains distilled water in it, to remove extra stain.

7.Take a clean dry slide and place two drops of water/glycerine on the centre of the slide.

8.Transfer the stained peel with needle and brush on the middle of the slide, if the peel curls straighten it and flatten it with brush and needle, do this gently.

9.With the help of blade cut the peel into a square shape.

10.Take a dry and clean coverslip and gently place it on the slide with the help of needle such that no air bubbles enter in it.

11.Gently press the coverslip with needle for even spreading of glycerine.

12.Remove the extra stain and water with the help of blotting paper.

13.Clean the sides of the coverslip with dry blotting paper and place it under the lens of the microscope and record your observations.


The cells under observation are the plant cells. It consists of cell wall and large vacuoles. The nucleus is very prominent and is clearly visible.


Plant cell shows the following:

1.It consists of cell wall.

2.The nucleus is prominent and present at the periphery of cytoplasm.

3.Large vacuoles are seen at the centre of the cell.

4.A lightly stained cytoplasm is present in the cell.


1. Use dilute stain for staining.

2.Avoid the formation of air-bubbles while placing the coverslip on the slide.

3.Take very thin peel of onion to get a single layer of cells, no overlapping of cells should be seen.

4.Use dry and clean slide, wipe out extra stain or water present on the sides of the slide.



Answered by jagritiiiyadav


Gently lay a microscopic cover slip on the membrane and press it down gently using a needle to remove air bubbles. Touch a blotting paper on one side of the slide to drain excess iodine/water solution, Place the slide on the microscope stage under low power to observe. Adjust focus for clarity to observe..


hope it helps uuu plzzz follow me and mark brainlist

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