Describe the experiment to show the process of conduction.
For this experiment you will need a stove or hot plate, a pot of water, three spoons made of different materials: metal, plastic, and wood, and butter or margarine.Start by putting a pot of water on the hot stove. Once the water is good and hot (boiling or near boiling), carefully place 3 different spoons in the pot – one metal, one plastic or rubber, and one wooden spoon. Wait a few minutes for the spoons to heat up.Ok, so we didn’t have a wooden spoon and used a wooden ruler here instead.
The next step is to make a prediction or hypothesis about what will happen if you place a little pat of butter on each of the spoons. Have the kids write down their hypotheses. Here is a scientific method experiment sheet to use for this experiment.
The actual experiment happens very quickly, so make sure everyone is ready and watching when you put a pat of butter on each one.The butter on the metal spoon almost immediately melted away; the butter on the wooden spoon melted some; meanwhile, the butter on the plastic spoon stayed firm much longer. The heat was transferred by moving molecules within the spoons.
Metal conducts heat much better than plastic or wood.
Complete your experiment sheets with a labeled drawing of the experiment, a description of the method used, and the results.Now that you know metal is a better conductor of heat than plastic or wood, design an experiment to test other materials against metal like glass and ceramics or fabrics. But this time don’t use a pot of boiling water. Write up your hypothesis, materials, method, and results.