describe the first fight between lomov and natalya
In the first instance, Lomov and Natalya fight over an issue of the ownership of the Oxen Meadows that has been a disputed property between the two families since generations. Chubukov does not try to pacify them. Instead, he himself joins it and out of anger, drives Lomov out of the house.
On Natalya’s arrival, Lomov initiates the conversation about the cordial terms of both the families. While continuing to speak about his land, he somehow mentions Oxen Meadows which earlier was a disputed property but is now his. Natalya is in the perception that Oxen Medows belong to her family. Both enter into a heated discussion and act childishly and Chubukov’s entry made it more heated. They shout and scream while Lomov suffers from extreme palpitation and a numb foot. They throw Lomov out of the house and continue abusing him. While defaming him, Chubukov accidentally reveals that he had a wedding proposal for Natalya which surprises Natalya, and she suddenly regrets sending him out. She tells her father to bring him back and Chubukov banes himself for being the father of a young daughter.
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