English, asked by irad9hyanalian, 1 year ago

Describe the funny incident when the writer(jerome) in three men in a boat was punting.


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Jerome’s punting experience was quite funny and humorous. Once he and a young man went to punting. He had been getting on so well that he had grown quite cheeky over the business, and was walking up and down the punt, working his pole with a careless grace that was quite fascinating to watch. Up he would march to the head of the punt, plant his pole, and then run along right to the other end, just like an old punter. He was doing it very skillfully. The scenery around the place was very charming. unfortunately, while looking round to enjoy the scenery, taken just one step more than there was any necessity for, and walked off the punt altogether. The pole was firmly fixed in the mud, and he was left clinging to it while the punt drifted away. Jerome watched him gently fall down into the water, and saw him scramble out, sad and wet. He could not help laughing as the young man looked such a ridiculous figure. Jerome continued to chuckle to himself about it for some time, and then it was suddenly forced in upon him that really he had got very little to laugh at as he was alone in the punt, without a pole, drifting helplessly down mid-stream possibly towards a weir, which was sure to end up in an accident.

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