Social Sciences, asked by jessapott, 4 months ago

Describe the history of sociology, naming and describing the contributions of
three different sociological theorists.


Answered by ziddigirl789


Auguste Comte (1798–1857)—The Father of Sociology

In 1838, the term was reinvented by Auguste Comte (1798–1857). ... Comte named the scientific study of social patterns positivism. He described his philosophy in a series of books called The Course in Positive Philosophy (1830–1842) and A General View of Positivism (1848).


hope it help you !

Answered by barnadutta2015

Answer: The origins of sociological thinking can be traced at least as far back as the ancient Greeks,whose social milieu can be used to identify the distinctive trends in their sociological philosophy.


The tribal spirit of localism and provincialism was in open season for discussions on social phenomena due to the rarity of broad or highly centralised political structure within states, which would therefore permeate much of Greek thinking.

1. Karl Marx: Karl Marx participated in the Berlin Young Hegelians in the 1830s, a group that discussed and wrote about the philosopher George W. F. Hegel's legacy. He initially agreed with the group's plan to attack Christianity in an effort to topple the Prussian government, but eventually developed opposing views and split from the Young Hegelians, criticising their beliefs in works like The German Ideology. Marx came to the conclusion that the authority of the establishment is not based on religion  but rather on the ownership of capital, which includes processes that use technologies, land, money, and notably human labour to create surplus value.

2. Auguste Comte: The three states of knowledge are the foundation of Comte's philosophy. This law states that all knowledge always starts out in a theological context. In this case, a superior supernatural force like animism, spirits, or gods can be used to explain the knowledge. The knowledge is subsequently transferred to the metaphysical form, where it is explained by speculative, abstract philosophy. After being explained scientifically by observation, experimentation, and comparison, the knowledge finally turns out to be useful.
3.Émile Durkheim: Émile Durkheim's work was significant because he was interested in how societies could keep their integrity and coherence in the modern era, which is characterised by the absence of traditional social and religious ties and the emergence of new social institutions. The Division of Labor in Society was his first significant sociological publication (1893). He became France's first sociology professor in 1895, wrote The Rules of Sociological Method, and founded the first sociology department in Europe.

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