Describe the important characteristics of gymnosperms.
- They have naked seeds
- Do not produce flowers
- Do not produce fruits
- Pollinated by wind
Important features of gymnosperms:
⏺️The term gymnosperms refers to plants with naked seeds (gymnos-naked,sperma-seeds), i.e., the seeds of these plants are not enclosed in fruits.
⏺️The plant-body ranges from medium to tall trees and shrubs. The giant redwood tree Sequoia is one of the tallest trees in the world.
⏺️The root system consists of tap roots. The coralloid roots present in Cycas are associated with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria.
⏺️The stem can be branched(as in Penus & Cedrus) or un-branched (as in Cycas).
⏺️The leaves can be simple (as in Penus) or compound(pinnate-in-Cycas). The leaves are needle-like, with a thickcuticle & sunken stomata. These help in preventing water loss.
⏺️Gymnosperms are heterosporous.They bear two kinds of spores- microspores & megaspores.
⏺️Flowers are absent. The microsporophylls and megasporophylls are arranged to form compact male & female cones.
⏺️Pollination occurs mostly through wind and pollen grains reach the pollen chamber of the ovule through the micropyle.
⏺️The male & female gametophytes are dependent on the sporophyte.
⏺️The seeds contain haploid endosperms & remain uncovered.