Social Sciences, asked by RockstarAryan, 1 year ago

Describe the Jallianwala Bagh incident of 1919


Answered by Aasthachachan
Jallianwala bagh incident took place on 13april 1919when there was a large gathering of people due to arrest of many popular leaders. General dyer order to surround the bagh with his army unit. They fired till ammunition was exhausted. In result thousands of people were killed and wounded. They did this because government was determined at that time to suppress the mass agitation. But this incident show the people the ugliness and brutality that lay behind the facade of civilization of foreign rule and this determined the people further more to contribute in making their country independent and free from colonial rule
Answered by xcristianox

  • The period of 1920s marks the revolutionary satyagraha period of British India.Gandhiji formed Satyagrah for removal of British Raj without Violence.
  • Governor General was FredricPeople gathered in Jallianwala Bagh Massacre some for peaceful demonstration while others for the celebration of their annual Baisakhi Fair.
  • They were unknown to the new law passed by General Dyer, banning all public gathered meetings.The Jallianwalla Bagh is a public garden of about 6.27 acres , walled on all sides, with only five narrow entrances.
  • On Sunday,13 April 1919, Dyer convinced a major insurrection could take place, banned all meetings.Dyer and troops entered the Garden blocked the exit point and opened fire on public.

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