Social Sciences, asked by as895513, 10 months ago

Describe the key feature of the Indian Constitution.      ( 5 ).​


Answered by shivikaarora1301


key features of the Indian constitution


the Constitution of India contains 448 Articles in 25 Parts and 12 Schedules. However, there are multiple features of the Constitution, namely Secular State, Federalism, Parliamentary Government, Fundamental Rights and many more.

hope it helps

Answered by Antra4236547


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The Indian Constitution

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Explain the key features of the Indian Constitution.

The key features of the Indian Constitution are explained below:

(i)Federalism- Our Constitution has provided for a federal form of government. This means that we have government at the state level and at the centre. Panchayati Raj is the third tier of government. India is a large country with a vast number of communities living together in it. It was important to have another level of government in states so that decisions could be made for that particular area. While each state in India enjoys autonomy in exercising powers on certain issues, subjects on national concern require that all of these states follow the laws of the central government. Under federalism, the states are agents of the federal government and they draw their authority from the Constitution.

(ii)Parliamentary form of Government - The different tiers of government consists of representatives who are elected by the people. The Constitution of India guarantees universal adult franchise for all citizens. This means that people of India have a direct role in electing their representatives. At the same time, every citizen of the country, irrespective of his/her social background, can also contest in elections. These representatives are accountable to the people.

(iii)Separation of Powers - There are three organs of the state—the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. In order to prevent the misuse of power by any one branch of the state, the Constitution says that each of these organs should exercise different powers. In this way, each organ acts as a check on the other organs of the state and this establishes a balance of power between the three.

(iv)Fundamental Rights - Fundamental Rights are called the conscience of the Indian Constitution. These Rights protect against the absolute exercise of power by the state. The Constitution thus guarantees the rights of individuals against the state as well as against other individuals.

(v)Secularism - It is an important feature of our Constitution. A secular state is one in which the state does not officially promote any one religion as the state religion.



Look at the wordings of the two documents given below. The first column is from the 1990 Nepal Constitution. The second column is from the more recent Interim Constitution of Nepal.

1990 Constitution of Nepal Part 7: Executive

2007 Interim Constitution Part 5: Executive

Article 35: Executive power: The executive power of the kingdom of Nepal shall be exercised exclusively by His Majesty.

• The executive power of Nepal shall, pursuant to this Constitution and other laws, be vested in the Council of Ministers.

• The executive junctions of Nepal shall be taken in the name of the Prime Minister.

What is the difference in who exercises ‘Executive Power’ in the above two Constitutions of Nepal? Keeping this in mind, why do you think Nepal needs a new Constitution today?


Why does a democratic country need a Constitution?


In each of the following situations, identify the minority. Write one reason why you think it is important to respect the views of the minority in each of these situations.

In a school with 30 teachers, 20 of them are male.


The column on the left lists some of the key features of the Indian Constitution. In the other column write two sentences, in your own words, on why you think this feature is important:

Key Features



Separation of Powers

Fundamental Rights

Parliamentary form of Government

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xD Antra.....

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