Describe the life history of the dominant king- harshavardhana.
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harshavardhana came to power when he was just 16 . He went on to establish a mighty empire that extended across nothern india . His kingdom included present day uttar pradesh , bihar , bengal , odisha and east punjab . His capital was kannuaj. kannuaj has replaced patliputra as the centre of power . Harsha is believed to become a follower of buddhism later in his life . Harsha also was a patron of arts and is believed to have written the sanskrit plays Ratnavali and Priyadarshika . Educational centres like kannuaj , vallabhi , varnasi and nalanda were patronised by Harsha . He generously donated to the nalanda university . The officials of the empire were paid in land grants instead of money . Pulakesin the second defeated Harsha at the banks of the Narmada river in a historic battle
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