Describe the life of people living in laddakh. How is it different from people living in plains
The Ladakh people of Jammu and Kashmir have Turanian (Central Asian) features. Ladakh people of this region have a cheerful nature and are peace-loving. 45% of this area are Buddhist by faith and the rest are Muslims.
Lifestyle Of People In Ladakh
People of Ladakh desert
About lifestyle of people in Ladakh, like the land itself, the people of Ladakh are usually quite different from those of the rest of India. The faces and physique of the Ladakhis, and the clothes they wear, are more similar to those of Tibet and Central Asia than of India. The original population may have been Dards, an Indo-Aryan race down from the Indus and the Gilgit area.
Some millennium or more years ago, this Ladakhis migrated from Tibet, probably this widely weighed down the culture of the Dards and eliminated their ethnic features. In Central and eastern Ladakh, the recent inhabitants appear to be classically of Tibetan origin. Towards west, in and around Kargil the Ladakhis look put forward a mixed origin.
The exclusion to this simplification is the Arghons, a community of Muslims in Leh, originated as a result of weddings between local Ladakhi women and Kashmiri or Central Asian businessmen. They show a marked dominance of the Indo-Aryan mannerism in their physique and looks, however culturally they are similar with the rest of the Ladakhis.