describe the main causes of French revolution in France
(a) Social Causes - On the eve of the revolution, the French society was ridden with several inequalities. The clergy and the nobles led a life of luxury and enjoyed numerous privileges. On the other hand, the peasants and workers lived a wretched life. They groaned under heavy taxes and forced labour. The middle-class comprising of lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc also suffered humiliation at the hands of the clergy and the nobles. This state of social inequality was the chief cause of the French Revolution.
(b) Political Causes - Emperor Louis XVI of France was an empty headed despot. He and his queen, Marie Antoinette, squandered money on their luxurious living and wasteful festivities. The high posts were often auctioned, so inefficiency reigned supreme. The whole administration was corrupt and each department had its own laws. In the absence of any uniform system there was confusion all around. The people were tired of such a rotten system of administration and wanted a change.
(c) Economic Causes - France had been continually involved in wars which had broken her economy. The luxurious life led by the French King Louis XVI and his queen had made the matter still worse. The people groaned under heavy taxes. The system was so faulty that only a fraction of the taxes could be realized as the people were too poor to pay the taxes while nobles and the clergy who could pay, were completely exempted from all the taxes. The economy became so bad that the French Government had almost reached a state of bankruptcy. Thus the shattered economy of France proved a major cause of the Revolution.
(d) Immediate Cause - Forced by financial bankruptcy, Emperor Louis XVI was compelled to call a meeting of the Estates General in 1789 A.D. after a lapse of 175 years. It generated much excitement as the members of the Third Estate were determined to put forth their problems. But when the first two Estates i.e. the Clergy and the Nobility refused to have a common meeting with the Third Estate, the people lost their temper. They had already suffered much in the severe famine in 1788 - 1789. In this way the calling of the ....
Hope this will help u...
The main causes of french revolution are as given below :-
Social Cause :-
French society was divided into three estates .
The first estate was considered of clergies and the second was considered of nobility . These two estate comprised the nobility . These two estates were exempt taxes from the lower , middle class [ third estates ] . The third estates had to give all taxes . They were facing alot of burden . They didn't have any political right and social status .
Political Cause :-
Louis XVI , the king of France was an autocratic ruler who led a luxurious life with his queen. People of France become tired of the rotten system of administration . This led to the political cause of the revolution .
Economic Cause:-
The treasury of the king was totally empty due to the involvement in every war . ( involved in American war of independence ) , So he started imposing new taxes on the people and the state undergone to a great debt.
Immediate Cause:-
Louis XVI called an assembly of Estate general for imposing a new taxe in 1789. This time , voting method was not accepted by the third estate . They demanded that each member should have given one equal vote. This led to the immediate cause of this revolution .
And of 14th July 1789 The French Revolution Gets started !