English, asked by meaow2007, 10 months ago

Describe the main theme and the importance of Surah Al An’am (101-103)


Answered by alwelsinghlitt


what the topic ????????plz telll

Answered by hereisummehanikrc




These verses of Surah An'aam speak of the absolute Unity and Supreme Authority of Allah over the whole of the universe.  He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth and Creator of everything within them. He is All-Knowing and Well-Acquainted with the finest mysteries. He is invisible to the worldly eye. Having such attributes, He alone then deserves to be worshiped. Oneness of Allah and His Divine Attributes have been mentioned in a number of surahs and verses talking with different styles. Surah Ikhlas talks on the Oneness of Allah by focusing on His absolute Existence.  It says that Allah is One, and has no father or children, and there is none comparable to Him in any degree.

Importance in a Muslim's life:

Oneness of Allah is the most fundamental Islamic belief. Life in the Hereafter is totally dependent on it. It is very important that a Muslim's life is free from all forms of shirk otherwise he will earn hellfire for himself. The Holy Quran condemns Shirk and describes it an unforgivable sin. The one who commits shirk will remain in the hell forever. Even minute traces of shirk in the belief are not allowed.

When a person believes that Allah Alone is the Creator of the universe and there is no partner with Him in His Authority and Power, he will not seek help from worldly deities who are themselves created. When he believes that his Allah is All-Knowing and Well-Aware of the secrets in his heart, he will not commit sins in the loneliness or in the darkness. He will attain spiritual purity and his life will become free from moral evils. He will become fair in dealings with the people.

When it is said that Allah is beyond human perceptions and comprehensions, a Muslim will not waste his time in discussing the physical characteristics, shape and nature of Allah. Instead, he will utilize his time effectively in praying Allah and will confirm Paradise for himself.

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