Describe the major physical features of india
(1)The Himalayan Mountains☆
(2)The Northern Plains☆
(3)The Peninsular Plateau☆
(4)The Indian Desert☆
(5)The Coastal Plains☆
(6)The Islands♡
The HimalayanMountains
• Geological structure- Young and fold
• Range- West-east direction from the Indus
to theBrahmaputra
• form an arc, which covers a distance of
about 2,400Km
• Width varies from 400 Km in Kashmir to 150
Km in ArunachalPradesh
• The Himalaya consists of three parallel
• The northern plain has been formed by the
interplay of the three major river systems,
namely —the Indus, the Ganga and
theBrahmaputra along with their tributaries.
• alluvial soil
• The deposition of alluvium in a vast basin
lying at the foothills of the Himalaya over
millions of years, formed this fertile plain.
• Area- 7 lakh sq. km. area and 2400 km long
and 240 to320 km width
• Densely populated area due to availability of
water, fertile soil.
The PeninsularPlateau
• The Peninsular Plateau is the tableland formed
due to the breaking and drifting of the
Gondwana land.
• It is composed of the old crystalline, igneous and
metamorphic rocks.
• The plateau consists of two broad divisions,
namely, the Central Highlands and the Deccan
• Central highlands lie north to river Narmada.
• The eastward extensions of Peninsular Plateau
are locally known as Bundelkhand and
• The Chhota Nagpur Plateau marks the further
eastward extension drained by the Damodar river.
The Indian Desert
• The undulating sandy plain covered with
sand dunes towards the western margins
of the Aravalli Hills is the Indian Desert
• Crescent shaped dunes calledbarchans
cover large parts of the Indian Desert.
• It has a very less rainfall around 150 mm.
• Luni is the only large river in this region.
The Coastal Plains
• The narrow coastal strips flank the
Peninsular Plateau.
• On the west the coastal strips are divided
into Konkan (Mumbai-Goa), Kannad Plain
and the Malabar coast from northern to
southern part.
• The plains along the Bay of Bengal are
wide and level.
• On the east the coastal strip is divided
into Northern Circars and the
Coromandal Coast from northern to
southern part.
The Islands
• The Lakshadweep Islands group in the
Arabian Sea is close toKerala.
• The Lakshadweep Islands were formerly
known as Laccadive, Minicoy and
Amindive. The Andaman and Nicobar
Islands are an elongated chain of islands
located in the Bay of Bengal.
• The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are an
elevated portion of submarine mountains.
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