Describe the mechanism of isolation of monolayer clones
Isolation of one or multiple cell types from a heterogeneous population is an integral part of modern biological research and routine clinical diagnosis and treatment. Purification of specific cells is essential for basic cell biology research, cellular enumeration in specific pathologies and cell-based regenerative therapies. The central principle of separating any cell type from a population is to utilize one or more properties that are unique to that cell type. The most widely used cell isolation and separation techniques can be broadly classified as based on adherence, morphology (density/size) and antibody binding. The high-precision single-cell isolation methods are usually based on one or more of these properties while newer techniques incorporating microfluidics make use of some additional cellular characteristics. The recent improvements in cell isolation procedures vis-à-vis purity, yield and viability of cells have resulted in significant advances in the areas of stem cell biology, oncology and regenerative medicine among others.