Describe the meeting between Mr. Marvel and Invisible Man.
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Thomas Marvel was a large man of flexible visage, he had a nose of cylindrical protrusion, a liquorish, ample, fluctuating mouth and a bristly beard. His figure was well-rounded, his short limbs accentuated this propensity towards a rotund figure. He wore a furry silk hat and the frequent substitution of twine and shoe-laces for buttons, apparent at critical points of his costume, which made him out to be a bachelor. It is at that juncture when he was sitting by himself and contemplating upon the poor condition of his shoes that he encountered the Invisible Man as the Voice who succeeded in bullying him into becoming his reluctant accomplice. Marvel was distraught and harried from his time with the Invisible Man, he wanted to be let out and that is why he offered his resignation. The Invisible Man wanted to use him as a tool because there were a lot of things that he needed to do which he couldn't due to his condition. Marvel however was not willing to be made a tool and he decided to snivel and grovel his way out of his predicament. He said he would be the worst possible tool, his heart was weak and he was most likely to mess up the Invisible Man's plan out of sheer funk and misery. Marvel had by this time realized the dangerous predicament he had unwittingly got himself into because the Invisible Man seemed like a man possessed in his work. Marvel began to rant against him saying that he wished he was dead, that it was devilish hard and unendurable but to no avail, all his entreaties were ineffectual and fell on deaf ears. The Invisible Man was bent upon making use of him and threatened to twist his wrist if Marvel did not pipe down. It could much worse if Marvel played up and then he would have to deal with the wrath of the Invisible Man. So, Marvel's attempt towards offering his resignation was unsuccessful because the Invisible Man succeeded in bullying and threatening him into submission. However, Marvel became the chink in the armour so to speak for the Invisible Man, he held the key to the three manuscript books which would help perpetuate the state of invisibility for the Invisible Man. If he hadn't turned on him and given himself up to the police, the Invisible Man would not have been apprehended in his demonic task of unleashing a reign of terror. Eventually, Thomas Marvel became the landlord of a little inn near Port Stowe, a short and corpulent little man with a nose of cylindrical proportions, wiry hair and a sporadic rosiness of visage who retained his ill-begotten ownership over the Invisible Man's prized possessions.
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