describe the merits of a multi party system ?
Advantages of a Multi-Party System
A multi-party system affords citizens the opportunity to have as many choices as possible. As such, those in support of the system say it is democratic.
Multi-party systems tend to encourage peaceful change of governments. The existence of many parties means that there are other parties waiting for their turn to be voted into power can discourage crude means of gaining political power.
Since there are many parties that are formed in a multi-party system, this allows for minority groups among the electorate to be represented. This also allows for increased political participation by the masses.
Another advantage of the operation of a multi-party system is that it allows opposition parties to exist. When there is opposition, it could encourage optimal results.
The operation of multi-party allows open and constructive criticism of the policies of the ruling government. This prevents the leaders of the ruling party from becoming despotic or tyrannical.