describe the methods of Vegetative reproduction
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Vegetative propagation or vegetative reproduction is the process of multiplication in which a portion of fragment of the plant body functions as propagates and develops into a new individual.Some plants are able to multiply by vegetative methods, which involve the production of new plants without the act of fertilization or sexual union.
A. Vegetative propagation by roots:
The roots of some plants develop adventitious buds on them e.g., Dalbergia sissoo (Shisham), Guava, poplars, Albizzia lebbek, Murraya, etc. Some tuberous adventitious roots besides possessing adventitious buds also contain sufficient quantities of, food, e.g., Dahlia and Sweet potato
These buds sprout under suitable conditions. These sprouts may be separated and planted. In shisham (Tahli), young fast growing, shoots will arise from the roots around the cut stumps of trees.
B. Vegetative propagation by stems:
Straggling and branched rhizomes reproduce by vegetative reproduction e.g. Banana, Ginger (Fig. 1.15) Turmeric. Decay of older parts isolates the newly formed branches. The latter henceforth leads an independent life. Corms like Colocasia (Kachalu), Freesia, Crocus, etc., have sufficient stored food and also bear many adventitious buds. A bulb also bears a number of buds, e.g., Garlic and Narcissus, Onion.
(i) Stem tuber:
Stem tubers are found in Potato and Artichoke. Tuber of potato is a swollen apical part of an underground stem branch and bears a number of nodes or eyes. Each eye bears one or more buds. New plants are produced from the buds on the eyes (Fig. 1.16A). The potato crop is raised by tubers and not by seeds
(ii) Runner:
Aerial weak stem e.g., in lawn grass Cyanodon (Doob grass); Mint and Wood sorrel (Oxalis) when touches the ground, gives off adventitious roots at nodes. When older parts of plant die, the branches separate from the parent plant and form independent plants