Describe the most memorable experiences of your school life in not more than 1500 characters / गतिविधि: 1500 कैरेक्टर में अपने स्कूली जीवन के सबसे यादगार अनुभवों का वर्णन करें
Exams are like festivals, celebrate them
Activity: Draw a scene depicting a festival around your favourite subject. (Upload your painting in .jpeg or .pdf format. Maximum file size allowed is 4 MB)
India Is Incredible, Travel and Explore
Activity: Imagine your friend visits your city for three days. What memories would you create for him or her in each of the following categories?
Places to See: (In not more than 500 characters)
Food to Relish: (In not more than 500 characters)
Experiences to remember: (In not more than 500 characters)
As One Journey Ends, Another Begins
Activity: Describe the most memorable experiences of your school life in not more than 1500 characters
Aspire, Not to Be, but to Do
Activity: If there was no restriction on resources or opportunities, what would you do for society and why? Submit a write up in not more than 1500 characters
Experiences are memorable events that engage each customer in an inherently personal way and thereby create a memory as the hallmark of that experience. Think of going to a movie, attending a sporting event, enjoying a concert, or visiting a museum.Everyone has a memorable unforgettable moment in their life time and will charish that momement as long as they live. I am one of those many with a memorable loving moment. I will never forget it and happy to share it with others. It has been one of many favorite moment in my life.The memorable day of my life would be the day when I came to know I was the second to score the highest in commerce in my town. I could not believe my ears as I never dreamed of such achievements. It was the memorable day of my life because I was able to see the happiness in my mother's eyes. I thought she would cry.