English, asked by tanyabathla0409, 7 months ago

Describe the parting scene between tricky and Mrs pumphrey?


Answered by alinasusans



The parting scene between Tricki and Mrs. Pumphrey was quite melodramatic. As soon as the narrator told her the dog needed to be hospitalized for a few days, she swooned. She was reluctant to send Tricki to the narrator’s hospital.  

However, the narrator was firm on it; as he took the sick dog to his car, Mrs. Pumphrey sent all her staff with Tricki’s luxuries to be carried to the hospital. The luxuries included: Tricki’s day bed, night bed, favourite cushions, toys and rubber rings, breakfast bowl, lunch bowl, supper bowl.  

As the narrator moved away with the dog, Mrs. Pumphrey cried, and the entire staff was in tears.  

Answered by subhashree2005


Mrs. Pumphrey was a rich woman she loved her dog so much that his over weight Tricky seemed her to be Mal nourished. When Mr. Herriot asked her to keep Tricky under observation for a fort night, she agreed but in a hesitate manner. She thought about Tricky's diet and how He will survive there without his favourite food and luxurious lifestyle style. The parting of Tricky was a very sad full movement for Mrs. Pumphrey, this shows that she was a great pet lover.

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