Describe the parts of speech
There are 8 parts of speech in grammar
They are -
1. Nouns
2. Pronouns
3. Adjectives
4. Verbs
5. Adverbs
6. Prepositions
7. Conjunctions
8. Interjections
1. Noun - a noun is naming word . it gives a name to a person, place animal or thing.
1. The soldier held the refile. (here, soldier is a person and rifle is a thing )
2. The lion is the king of a jungle.(here, Jungle is a place lion is a animal)
2. Pronoun - a pronoun is the word used instead (in the place) of noun. a pronoun replaces a noun.
Eg. -
suppose I am writing a essay on my best friend.if I write
Ram is my best friend
Ram is 10 years old
Ram studies with me
Ram is a good boy.
it will make my essay boring. So, if I write he ( pronoun) in the place of Ram (noun).It will make my essay interesting.
3. Adjectives-an adjective is a describing word. it describe you something more about Noun.
Eg .-
1. It is a fascinating scene.
here, scene is a noun and fascinating tells us what kind of scene ( noun) it is .so, fascinating is an adjective.
2. there are four members in his family.
here, members is a noun and four tells us how many members( noun ) there are. so four is an adjective.
4.verbs-. verbs are known as action words. they tell us action that is done.
Eg. -
1. Sheila wrote a letter
2. Rina speaks well.
3. I have finished my homework
in the above sentences wrote ,speaks, have finished are verbs as they show the action that is done.
5. adverbs .- Just as an adjective tells us something about noun ,an adverbs tell us something more about a verb. It tells us how ,where ,when the action is done. an adverb adds more meaning to a verb.
Eg. -
1. the breeze blew softly.( blew how - softly)
2. I met her yesterday .( met when - yesterday)
3. we ran inside. ( ran where-inside)
6. prepositions-.a preposition is the part of speech that shows relation on the position of a noun pronoun with some other word in a sentence.
Eg .-
1. The cat is under the table.
here the word under shows the relation of the cat with the table. if we don't write under in this , the sentence would become meaningless. (the cat is the table)
thus, a preposition, like verb, is one of the most important part of a sentence.
the word pre means before and position mean place.
7. conjunctions
a conjunction is a word joining word, which joins two sentences or two words.
1. RAM is good at maths and science.
2. he rest towards the station but he missed the train.
3. would you prefer to go to the beach or The hills.
4. the man was punished because he had committed crime.
8. interjections-. an interjection is a word that expresses some sudden feeling.
Eg .-
1. Hurrah! we won the match.
2. Alas! she failed in the examination.
3. Bravo! you have done very well.
4.oh! what a beautiful rainbow.
5. ouch ! that hurt.
in these sentences, the words Hurrah, alas,Bravo, oh and ouch are interjections.these words are used to express sudden feeling. it is important to note that interjections are not grammatical related to the other words in a sentence.
each interjection is always followed by an exclamation mark (!)
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