Sociology, asked by Roshanguptarg7155, 1 year ago

Describe the peasants rebellion against talukdars and landlords in awadh


Answered by Anonymous

) In Awadh, the peasant movement was lead by indentured labour named, Baba Ramachandra.

2) It was against the talukdars and landloards who demanded high rents and revenue from the peasants.

3) As tenats they donot have sucurity of tenure.

4) The peasants movement demandedreduction on revenue, aboliton of baggar, socailboycott of landloards.

5) In many places nai dhobi bandhs were orgainsed to deprive of services of even barbers and washerman.

6) Oudh kisan sabha formed under the leadership of jawaharlal nehru , Baba ramchandra and few others.

hope it helps

Answered by sri288


Awadh, the peasant movement was led by Baba Ramchandra—a sanyasi who had earlier worked in Fiji as an indentured labourer. ... Peasants had to do begar at landlords' farms. The peasant movement demanded reduction of revenue, abolition of begar and social boycott of oppressive landlords.

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