describe the physical feature of the moon
It is too cold we cannot grow anything there we cannot even breathe there due to lack of oxygen and atmosphere... The gravity of moon is also too low...
The moon looks like a giant grey rock. It has a diameter of about 3476 Km at the moons equator, which is about 1/4th of the Earths diameter. The moon is approximately 1/81sts of the mass of the Earth, and is about 3/5ths as dense as the Earth. The Moons temperature varies between -125°C and 100°C. There is currently no definite evidence of water, ice or steam on the Moon. The surface of the moon is divided into two sections; the mountainous areas, and the flat plains (called maria). The mountainous area is lighter than the maria because the maria is covered with a powdered rock that absorbs the sunlight, rather than reflect it. The mountainous areas can reach up to 25 000 ft high, and usually not very steep. Most of the craters on the moon are found in the mountainous areas. The craters are large depressions in the earth, with a wall around it and a central peak.