History, asked by nitish0543, 1 year ago

Describe the political and the economic condition of France during the 18th century?


Answered by Nitin10014



Economic and Social Conditions in France During the Eighteenth Century / 9state in the eighteenth century, it seems more rational for us to base our classificationupon the various forms of property, and to distinguish essentially between the classesthat directly or indirectly live from land property, from rural economy, and those thatderive their subsistence from urban economy, from personal property, from commercialand industrial activity. And since economic phenomena and social facts influence oneanother not a little, we shall always keep the two types of problems, in reality inseparable,before us with that in mind.In dealing with a subject which learned research has just barely begun to consider,and in which generalizations, still seem rather premature, the writer should be able to givereferences for each step. But the nature of this work precluded such a practise. In eachchapter, however, there have been indicated the essential works which will make it possi-ble for the reader gradually to familiarize himself with the questions of which only asuperficial survey could here be given.

Chapter 1: Land Property; its Distribution. The Population ofFranceFirst we shall describe the classes that live from real property, that is, land, either byderiving their resources from agricultural labor (the peasants), or by living from the ex-ploitation  of  the  peasants,  in  other  words,  from  the  revenues  which  the  peasants  areobliged to furnish those who are the eminent proprietors of the soil, namely, the clergyand the nobility.The first step, then, is to get an idea of the apportionment of property among thesethree  social  classes.  Doubtless  we  cannot  secure  precise  statistics.  We  can  only,  byvirtue of tax-lists and especially the rolls of twentieths (vingtièmes), which Loutchiskyhas  used,  and  also  by  virtue  of  the  numerous  land-records  of  the  eighteenth  century,make computations that are, to be sure, merely approximate, yet throw light upon thefacts and are in accord with actual realities.The figures that we shall quote have no absolute value. They can be criticised se-verely and may be modified by further investigations. On the other hand, since they arebased upon voluminous abstracts of tax-lists, the details of which Loutchisky was notalways able to give, it seems legitimate to use them.

Answered by writersparadise

The main event that swept across France was the French Revolution and the ‘Reign of Terror’ that followed between 1793 and 1794. The fall of Polish – Lithuanian Commonwealth during the eighteenth century also effected the politics and economy of France.

Sea voyages undertaken by explorers with the support of rulers, opened up the way for colonisation in other continents. During this period, Napoleon Bonaparte tried to set up an alliance with Hyder Ali of south India.

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