Chemistry, asked by smithagerald7884, 11 months ago

Describe the principle behind each of the following processes:

(i)Vapour phase refining of a metal.

(ii)Electrolytic refining of a metal.

(iii)Recovery of silver after ore was leached with NaCN.


Answered by AionAbhishek

______________________________________________________________i ) this method is based on the principle that the metal is converted into volatile compound and collected elsewhere . Then , it is decomposed to give pure metal .

necessary conditions : 

a) metal should form volatile compound with available reagent .

b) the volatile compound should be easily decomposable , so that recovery is easy .

Electrolytic refining :

in this method , anode is made up od impure metal and cathode is made up of same pure metal . Anode and cathode are put in a suitable electrolytic solution of soluble salt of the same metal . The more basic metal ions remain
in the solution and the less basic metal ions go the anode mud . On passing current , following reactions take place :

At anode  M    -----> M^n+  + ne-

at cathode M^n+  + ne- ---------> M

iii) When silver ore is treated with NaCN solution , silver ore is dissolved and impurities remain insoluble . Recovery of silver from the solution is done by displacement method .

4Ag (s)  + 8 CN (aq) + 2H₂O(aq) +O₂ → 4[ Ag(CN)₂]⁻ (aq) + 4OH⁻ (aq)

2[Ag(CN)₂]⁻ (aq) + Zn (s) → 2Ag(s)

Answered by alov00722



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