Biology, asked by aayush3124, 1 year ago

describe the process of development of zygote into a mature baby


Answered by nehadav98
1.Fertilisation process ends when haploid sperm nucleus and haploid ovum fuse .This results in the formation of a diploid zygote.
2. The zygote undergoes mitosis division as it moves through isthmus of oviduct towards uterus and forms 2, 4, 8,16 daughter cells called BLASTOMERES.(8-16 Blastomeres called morula)
•Morula continues to divide and transorms into BLASTOCYST as it further into the uterus and then arrange into a surface layer called TROPHOBLAST and a cluster of interior cells attached to TROPHOBLAST are called the inner cell mass which get attached to the endometrium and inner mass cells get differentiated as embryo.
•After attachment , the uterine cells divided rapidly to cover the blastocyst and become embedded in the uterine endometrium. this is called IMPLANTATION.(Results into pregnancy)
It lasts for 38 weeks from the time of fertilisation, fingure like projection called CHORIONIC VILLI appear on the TROPHOBLAST after its implantation.
•Placenta facilities the exchange of substances between the mother and the developing baby, without intermingling of their streams.
• Oxygen and nutritions flow through the umbilical cord, towards the baby and excretory products are picked up eliminated by maternal systems.
•Placenta also acts as endocrine tissue and secretes human chrionic gonadotrophin, human placental lactogens, estrogen and progesterone.
• In the later pragnancy period , relaxin hormon is produced . These hormons are essential for
a) Supporting foetus growth.
b) bringing about metabolic chamges in mother.
c) maintenance of pregnency.
• After implantation , inner cell mass differenciate into
a) outer layer-ectoderm
b)outer layer - endoderm
c) in between layer - mesoderm
•After one month of pregnancy embryo's heart develops
•2nd month -foetus limbs and fingers and toes appear.
• By the end of 12 weeks , major organ systems, external gential organ are formed.
•By 5th month , soft ,fuzzy hair cover the foetus body, delicate eyelids and eyelashes forms
• After nine months of pregnancy , the fully developed foetus is ready for delivery.

aayush3124: it's too big
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