Biology, asked by BelaWarrier4364, 1 year ago

Describe the process of fertilization and implantation


Answered by dhbhhd

he exact moment when a fertilised ovum, embryo, fetus or baby is called a ‘human being’ is controversial, and differs between individuals, religious groups, legal systems and nations. We will not address this difficult concept in this study session, but focus instead on the theoretical knowledge of how fertilisation and implantation of the ovum in the uterus occurs, and how the fetus is nourished as it develops during the nine months of gestation. This study session will also help you to recognise factors affecting fetal development that may lead to complications during the antenatal period.

Answered by chanchal12345

✮✮✮✮The embedding of embryo in a thick lining of uterus is called implantation.

After implantation a disc like special tissue develops between the uterus wall and embryo which is called placenta .

It is through the Placenta that all the requirements of the developing foetus like nutrition, respiration ,excretion etc.. are met from mother's body.

In other words exchange of nutrients, Oxygen and waste products between embryo and mother take place through placenta ✮✮✮✮

⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟ƒєrτiℓiʑατiσท is τнє ρrσcєss σƒ ƒυsiσท of мαℓє gαмєτє (gєrм cєℓℓ) ωiτн ƒємαℓє gαмєτє τσ ƒσrм α siทgℓє cєℓℓє∂ ʑygστє

it occurs in multicellular organisms performing sexual reproduction.

***in plants the end result of fertilisation is the see whereas in animals it is a new individual⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟

>>>>>>>>IN PLANTS..

---------in plants when a Pollen Grain falls on Stigma of the carpel it bursts, open and grows a pollen tube downwards through the style towards the female gamete in ovary .

••••••••••••Then it enters into the ovule in the ovary

---------------In OVARY; the male gamete of pollen tube combines with the nucleus of female gamete present in the ovule to form a fertilized egg (called zygote) and thus as we say that fertilization has taken place ..

°°°°°°°°°°thus the fusion of male and female gamete to form a zygote during sexual reproduction is called fertilization ..

****it is clear that the process of fertilization produces zygote which is actually a "fertilized ovum" of "fertilized egg".

>>>>>>>IN ANIMALS..

•••••••In animals the male gamete (male germ cell) call sperm fuses with the female gamete (female germ cell) called ova and forms a single cell called zygote

°°°°°°The zygote grows and develops into embryo and embryo later develops into foetus and then it forms a new baby ..

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