Biology, asked by eshabhukkal123, 1 year ago

Describe the process of nutrition in amoeba with help of diagram


Answered by StaceeLichtenstein

Answer: Amoeba takes in nutrition by the process called phagocytosis.

In this process, a solid food particle is first surrounded by pseudopodia ( cytoplasmic filled projection of cell membrane) and forms a vacuole called as phagosome.

The vacuole fuses with lysosome to form phagolysosome where the digestion of food takes place with the help of digestive enzymes. After this, absorption of food takes place by the cytoplasm.

The absorbed food is finally utilized for various processes such as energy production, growth and repair.

The final step is egestion buy which undigested material is released out of the body by the rupture of the cell membrane.

Answered by AdorableMe





●Because amoeba is a unicellular organism. It does not have any mouth it can ingest food through any place on the surface of cell membrane by making false feet. These false feet known as pseudopodia.


●Amoeba has a sense of ability to accept food particles. When the food is found, it extends its pseudopodia. Pseudopodia just wrap around the food particle. The food particle enclose in the food vacuole.


2. DIGESTION::----


●The food vacuole contains digestive enzymes. With the help of digestive enzymes, the engulfed food is digested in the food vacuoles. Two enzymes amylase and proteinase have been reported. Thus amoeba can digest carbohydrates and proteins.


3. Assimilation:-


●Now the digested food becomes liquid in the food vacuole. Now this digested food diffuse to the cytoplasm from the food vacuole. It is done by simple diffusion method.


☆The undigested food remains in the food vacuole.


●This digested food becomes the part of protoplasm. Some food is used to generate energy by the process of respiration and remaining food is stored as reserved food in the protoplasm.


4.  Egestion:-


●Like mouth, amoeba has no definite anus (opening aperture) for the removal of the undigested food. So this undigested food sent to near the cytoplasmic membrane and thrown in the surrounding. This process is known as egestion.

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