Describe the process of Oogenesis and the hormones that control on it....marks-10
long and details answer needed
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Hello Meri pyari behna.... Rittika....☺️♥️☺️
Here is your answer dear :---
☛Oogenesis :---
The process of formation of a mature female gamete is called oogenesis.
◼️Where's it occur :---
It occurs in the ovaries.
◼️Phases of Oogenesis process :---
There are main following three phases :--
◼️1.) Multiplication Phase :---
▪️Oogenesis is initiated during the embryonic development stage when a couple of million gamete mother cells (oogonia) are formed in each foetal ovary. No more oogonia are formed and added after birth.
▪️These cells are start division and enter into prophase-1 of the meiotic division.
▪️They get temporarily arrested at this stage and are called "Primary Oocytes".
◼️2.) Growth Phase :---
▪️Each primary oocytes then get surrounded by a layer of granulosa cells.
These structure is called "The Primary Follicle".
▪️A large no. of these follicles degenerated during the phase from birth to puberty.
At the puberty only about 60,000 to 80,000 primary follicles are left in each ovary.
▪️The primary follicles get surrounded by more layers of granulosa cells and a new theca to form secondary follicles.
◼️3.) Maturation Phase :---
▪️In the first maturation Phase, the secondary follicles soon transforms into a tertiary follicle. The primary follicle within the tertiary follicle grows in size and completes it's first meiotic division to form a large, haploid, secondary oocyte and a tiny first polar body.
▪️The tertiary follicle changes into a mature follicle......"The Graafian follicle"....which ruptures to release the secondary oocyte called "OVUM".
▪️And this process of releasing of ovum is known as Ovulation.
☑️ Hormones which are involved in this process are :----
◼️1.) GnRh :--
It is released by hypothalamus glands and work on pituitary glands to release the FSH and LH hormones.
◼️2.) FSH :--- ( Follicle stimulating hormone )
It acts on ovary for the development of secondary oocyte.
◼️3.) LH :--- ( Luteinizing hormone )
It initiates the process of Ovulation in the ovaries.
◼️4.) Oestrogen :---
It repairs the uterus wall wherever it needed.
◼️5.) Progesterone :---
It helps the uterus wall in preparation for implantation/pregnancy.
Hope it will be helpful to you Sistah!☺️
Thank you so much! ☺️♥️
Here is your answer dear :---
☛Oogenesis :---
The process of formation of a mature female gamete is called oogenesis.
◼️Where's it occur :---
It occurs in the ovaries.
◼️Phases of Oogenesis process :---
There are main following three phases :--
◼️1.) Multiplication Phase :---
▪️Oogenesis is initiated during the embryonic development stage when a couple of million gamete mother cells (oogonia) are formed in each foetal ovary. No more oogonia are formed and added after birth.
▪️These cells are start division and enter into prophase-1 of the meiotic division.
▪️They get temporarily arrested at this stage and are called "Primary Oocytes".
◼️2.) Growth Phase :---
▪️Each primary oocytes then get surrounded by a layer of granulosa cells.
These structure is called "The Primary Follicle".
▪️A large no. of these follicles degenerated during the phase from birth to puberty.
At the puberty only about 60,000 to 80,000 primary follicles are left in each ovary.
▪️The primary follicles get surrounded by more layers of granulosa cells and a new theca to form secondary follicles.
◼️3.) Maturation Phase :---
▪️In the first maturation Phase, the secondary follicles soon transforms into a tertiary follicle. The primary follicle within the tertiary follicle grows in size and completes it's first meiotic division to form a large, haploid, secondary oocyte and a tiny first polar body.
▪️The tertiary follicle changes into a mature follicle......"The Graafian follicle"....which ruptures to release the secondary oocyte called "OVUM".
▪️And this process of releasing of ovum is known as Ovulation.
☑️ Hormones which are involved in this process are :----
◼️1.) GnRh :--
It is released by hypothalamus glands and work on pituitary glands to release the FSH and LH hormones.
◼️2.) FSH :--- ( Follicle stimulating hormone )
It acts on ovary for the development of secondary oocyte.
◼️3.) LH :--- ( Luteinizing hormone )
It initiates the process of Ovulation in the ovaries.
◼️4.) Oestrogen :---
It repairs the uterus wall wherever it needed.
◼️5.) Progesterone :---
It helps the uterus wall in preparation for implantation/pregnancy.
Hope it will be helpful to you Sistah!☺️
Thank you so much! ☺️♥️

Deepjaya di u r a nice answer...thanku for always help me
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hope it helps u.....

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