Business Studies, asked by selfcarevirag, 8 months ago

Describe the relation - an acceptance is to an offer what a lighted match is to a
train of gun powder
a) Sir F.Pollock b) Sir.J.Salmond c) Sir.Johnson d) Sir. W.Anson


Answered by mamidinehemiah60


c) sir.johnson is the acceptance of offer lighted match

Answered by steffiaspinno

The statement is said by "Sir William Anson".

  • The statement refers to the relationship between acceptance and offer compared to the relation between a lighted match and a train of gun powder.
  • Just how when a train full of gun powder is brought near to a lighted match, an explosion happens. Similarly, when an offer receives an acceptance, it triggers a contract/forming a promise that needs to be fulfilled.
  • The explosion can be prevented from happening if the two are not brought together. Similarly, an offer can be disregarded before becoming a contract/promise by not giving acceptance.

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