Describe the relation between peace and development.
This is a tricky question from several points of view, development happens at different rates and on different scales (like domestic or international). However I would say the relationship between the two is one makes the other better. With peace we can develop more quickly, this is reflected in the domestic world by our every day tasks, people tend to work better when the environment is tranquel rather than when there is chayos. Development helps encourage peace by giving us greater resources for keeping the peace or making it.
n short:
An adequate source of water, food, clothing, shelter including community and communal safety = development
Being left alone to enjoy an identity OF CHOICE and having a sustainable livelihood = peace
I doubt that citizens would need to burn down schools, trench up the tarmac, bomb each other or build walls with these two working together.
The long version is too long. In my thinking, definitely all of the following and more make the two seem rival, separate and isolated:
1. Greed
2. Selfish entitlement
3. Loading it over another
4. Superiority
5. Intolerance
6. Etc
hope this helps...