describe the relationship between in food production and food security
There are several ways of increasing food security: increasing local food production and productivity, increasing food imports on a regular and assured basis, providing more jobs and increased incomes for those who are too poor to buy the food they need, and improving food distribution systems.
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Food security = availability + accessibility + utilization + stability
“production” is only the first of those terms (that is, availability)
2: if you don’t have money or something to trade/barter, you won’t have access to food (unless donated by WFP or an NGO - or in some cases, by government)
3: you can have access to calories and micronutrients, but if you have chronic diarrhea (caused by, say, unsafe drinking water), much of both of those will drain out of you regardless of how much you might have eaten
4: if your production/access varies significantly from year to year (think: climate change-led drought, floods) or your income is very unstable, then the last term comes into play.
Food security is usually measured/monitored/assessed on a household basis.