Describe the relationship between tagore and his father as depicted in the easy " At the himalayas
The father as depicted the child in the relationship.
I hope it may help to you..
when he was a boy Rabindranath Tagore had a journey to the himalayas along with his father.
His father took a currency note from his box and gave it to the station master without speaking a word.
The essay contributes to our understanding that role of fathers biological and metaphorical.
He also wrote another essay named Through the Ages of Life.
It contends that Tagore's position as a biological father and the transference of his affective concern to a larger body of the children.
The fathers are the heroes of many children's life.
Some father will be strict and some will be not strict but there will be no difference on the love.
The relationship between the father and the son is valuable as it was very pure.
For every son their father will be the first teacher.