Describe the revenue structure and reforms during the period?
during which period you're asking about?
This is Land revenue policy of British Government during the freedom struggle.
Hope this may be a answer for the question which you had asked.
Income from state deals and gross receipts charges—including both general deals assessments and specific expenses on items, for example, liquor, cigarettes, and engine energizes—was $441 billion out of 2016, or 23 percent of state general income. Singular personal charges gave $344 billion (18 percent of state general income) and corporate annual assessments represented $46 billion (2 percent of state general income).
Income from all different expenses (counting permit charges, domain duties, and severance charges) was $92 billion—5 percent of state general income. Charges and expenses—quite educational cost paid to state colleges, installments to open medical clinics, and tolls on expressways or spans—and different incidental income gave $349 billion, or 18 percent of state general income in 2016.
General income does exclude income gathered by states from "efficient" undertakings, for example, state-run alcohol stores, utilities, and benefits reserves.